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RSV Vaccine Clinical Trials

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e.g. Respiratory Diseases
e.g. MassachusettsHealthy volunteers: No

Vaccine Responses in Patients With B Cell Malignancies



National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI)







Eligibility Criteria

Sex: All

Age: 18 - 70+

Healthy Volunteers: Not accepted







What are RSV vaccine clinical trials?

Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) is a common respiratory virus that can cause significant illness in adults and children, particularly those with compromised immune systems. Clinical trials for RSV provide valuable insight into how to prevent and treat this virus effectively.

RSV vaccine clinical trials are research studies that investigate potential vaccines for preventing RSV infections. They aim to collect data on vaccine safety and efficacy to ultimately develop vaccines that can reduce the incidence and severity of RSV infections. These studies evaluate the safety, efficacy, and optimal dosing of RSV vaccines.

Target groups for RSV vaccine studies

Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) vaccine studies are crucial for developing effective vaccines thay address the needs of various demographic groups. These studies focus on target groups most at risk of severe RSV infection or those who may respond differently to vaccination.

RSV vaccine trials for adults

RSV vaccine trials for adults often focus on older individuals, who are at higher risk of severe complications due to age-related declines in immune function. Adults with underlying health conditions, such as chronic respiratory diseases (asthma, COPD), cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, or weakened immune systems due to chemotherapy, HIV/AIDS, or autoimmune disorders, are also key targets. Additionally, those who have undergone kidney, liver, or lung transplants often require immunosuppressive therapy, increasing their vulnerability to RSV.

Pediatric RSV vaccine trials

Pediatric RSV vaccine trials aim to protect children, particularly those under two years old, who are especially vulnerable to the virus. These studies seek to develop safe and effective vaccines that can prevent RSV infections in young children, especially those with underlying health conditions.

Types of interventions studied in vaccine clinical trials

In RSV vaccine clinical trials, several types of interventions are studied to determine their efficacy, safety, and the best practices for immunization. The primary types of interventions commonly explored are:

  • Live-Attenuated Vaccines: These vaccines use a weakened form of the virus that triggers an immune response without causing illness.They are designed to stimulate strong immunity, particularly in pediatric populations.
  • Protein Subunit Vaccines: These contain purified components of the virus, such as its surface proteins.They aim to trigger an immune response while minimizing the risk of adverse reactions.
  • Virus-Like Particles (VLPs): VLPs mimic the virus's structure but lack its genetic material, making them non-infectious. They are designed to safely generate a robust immune response.
  • mRNA Vaccines: These contain genetic instructions for the body to produce viral proteins, stimulating an immune response. They are a novel approach that can be rapidly developed.
  • Viral Vector Vaccines: These use a harmless virus to deliver RSV genetic material into cells, prompting an immune response. They provide a versatile platform that can be adapted for different age groups.
  • Adjuvanted Vaccines: These contain adjuvants (immune-boosting substances) to enhance the immune response to the primary vaccine component. Adjuvants are used to improve the effectiveness of protein-based or subunit vaccines.
  • Combination Vaccines: These combine RSV vaccine components with other vaccines, offering broader protection, especially in infants and the elderly.

Enrollment criteria and participation in RSV vaccine clinical trials

Each RSV clinical trial has a set of eligibility criteria designed to ensure the safety of participants and the scientific validity of the study. Common criteria include:

  • Age Range: Age requirements vary. Trials focusing on adults may require participants to be at least 60 years old, while pediatric studies may include children under two.
  • Health Status: Participants generally need to be in good health or have stable chronic conditions to ensure reliable results.
  • Vaccination History: Some trials exclude participants who have recently received another vaccine or have previously participated in an RSV clinical trial, to avoid confounding the results.

Why participate in an RSV clinical trial?

Participation in an RSV vaccine clinical trial has several benefits, including access to potentially effective vaccines before they are widely available, close medical monitoring by health professionals, and the opportunity to contribute to research that may save lives and improve health outcomes worldwide.

What to expect when participating in RSV clinical trials

The process of participating in an RSV vaccine clinical trial is carefully regulated to ensure safety and reliable results. Participants first undergo a screening to review their medical history and current health status, ensuring eligibility for the study. Eligible individuals receive comprehensive information on the trial’s purpose, procedures, and potential risks and benefits before providing informed consent.

Participants receive the vaccine under close supervision, and follow-up visits monitor their health, side effects, and immune response. The data collected through blood samples and symptom logs help researchers evaluate the vaccine’s safety and efficacy. Long-term follow-up may also be necessary to assess lasting effects and the durability of the immune response.

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Worried about the risks of participating in a clinical trial? Delve into our comprehensive guide to gain insights into the potential outcomes of participating. Learn about potential risks, benefits, and safety considerations to make an informed decision about your participation in a clinical trial.

Clinical Trial Benefits, Risks & Safety Considerations

How to enroll in an RSV vaccine clinical trial

Enrolling in a clinical trial for RSV vaccines through our platform is a straightforward and user-friendly process. Here's how to get started:

  1. Identify Your Trial: Use our search bar or filters to find clinical trials for RSV vaccines that match your interests and needs. This first step simplifies the process of finding relevant research studies tailored to your needs.
  2. Select Your Preferred Location: To find trials conveniently located near you, simply input your preferred location into the dedicated filter bar on the left-hand side of the page.
  3. Explore Study Details: For in-depth information about each study, simply click the “Learn More” button. This will provide you with comprehensive details about the trial, including objectives, procedures, and eligibility criteria.
  4. Complete the Health Profile: After clicking on the “Get started” button you will be taken to our efficient 5-step application process to provide important health information. This helps us match you with the clinical trial that best fits your needs.
  5. Submit the Application: After completing the application, send it in. A clinical trial coordinator will review it and contact you regarding the possibility of participation.