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Oncology Clinical Trials

Find clinical trials for oncology. Search for oncology clinical trials in different cities and states across the United States.

What are clinical trials for cancer?

Clinical trials for cancer are research studies that aim to evaluate new ways to prevent, detect, or treat cancer. These trials test the safety and effectiveness of new treatments, procedures, or drugs in comparison to current standards. They may also show which medical approaches work best for certain types of cancer or groups of people.

The importance of clinical trials in cancer research

Cancer clinical trials are crucial for developing new methods to fight cancer, improving patient outcomes, and may offer participants access to cutting-edge therapies before they are widely available.

Types of cancer clinical trials

Oncology clinical trials are designed to address different aspects of cancer care, including how to treat cancer, prevent it, find it early, or improve the quality of life for people with cancer. The main types are:

Treatment trials

Treatment trials test new treatments or new combinations of treatments, such as new drugs, new surgical techniques, or new radiation therapies. The goal is to find more effective ways to treat cancer with fewer side effects.

Prevention trials

Prevention trials look for better ways to prevent cancer in people who have never had cancer or to prevent cancer from returning. These trials may include studying medicines, vaccines, vitamins, minerals, or lifestyle changes.

Screening trials

Screening trials test the best way to detect cancer, especially in its early stages. These trials study new examinations or tests that might be more effective, safer, or less invasive than the current standard screening methods.

Quality of life trials for cancer survivors

Quality of life trials (or supportive care trials) explore ways to improve comfort and the quality of life for individuals with terminal types of cancer and cancer survivors. They may study issues such as managing side effects of treatment, physical, psychological, and social side effects of cancer and its treatment.

Who can participate in oncology trials?

Eligibility for oncology trials varies widely depending on the study's objectives. Factors can include the type and stage of cancer, previous treatment history, age, gender, overall health, and other medical conditions. Researchers conducting the trial set specific criteria for each trial to ensure accurate and reliable results and to keep participants safe.

What to expect when participating in a cancer clinical trial

Participating in a cancer clinical trial often involves detailed screenings, regular health check-ups, and a structured treatment plan. Participants may receive the new treatment being tested, a standard treatment for their cancer, or a placebo, depending on the trial's design. Throughout the trial, researchers will monitor the health of participants and the effectiveness and side effects of the treatment.

Benefits and risks of participating in cancer clinical trials

Participating in cancer clinical trials offers potential benefits, including access to new treatments before they are widely available and contributing to medical research that may benefit others in the future. They also receive close monitoring from a dedicated healthcare team.

However, there are also risks, such as the new treatments under study are not always better than the standard care, and there may be unexpected side effects. Participation may also require more of their time and attention, including trips to the study site, more treatments, hospital stays, or complex dosage requirements.

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Everything You Need To Know About Participating In Clinical Trials

How to enroll in a clinical trial for cancer

Enrolling in a cancer clinical trial through our platform is a straightforward and user-friendly process. Here's how to get started:

  1. Identify Your Trial: Use our intuitive search bar or filter options to locate clinical trials specific to your cancer type. This first step simplifies the process of finding relevant research studies tailored to your needs.
  2. Select Your Preferred Location: To find trials conveniently located near you, simply input your preferred location into the dedicated filter bar on the left-hand side of the page.
  3. Explore Study Details: For in-depth information about each study, simply click the “Learn More” button. This will provide you with comprehensive details about the trial, including objectives, procedures, and eligibility criteria.
  4. Complete the Health Profile: After clicking on the “Get started” button you will be taken to our efficient 5-step application process to provide important health information. This helps us match you with the clinical trial that best fits your needs.
  5. Submit the Application: After completing the application, send it in. A clinical trial coordinator will review it and contact you regarding the possibility of participation.