What is a Phase 4 Clinical Trial?

Discover more about phase 4 clinical trials, the important role they play in advancing medical treatments, and how you can get involved.

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Written by Nazar Hembara, PhD

Published 13 February 2025

Clinical trials involve a number of different stages, and many trials can last for several years. Phase 4 of a clinical trial is the final but vital step of many clinical trials. Although it isn’t mandatory and is completed after FDA approval of the drug or treatment being studied, it is crucially important for evaluating long-term success.

Phase 4 clinical trials could include thousands of participants, depending on the drug or treatment type. It is vital that as many people are included as possible so that researchers can continue to study the efficacy of the treatment, as well as long-term side effects, risks, or benefits. This phase can also last for several years, enabling medical professionals to ensure patient safety and treatment effectiveness in the long term.

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Why we need clinical trials

Clinical trials are vitally important in medical research and for wider communities. They help us to prevent, detect, and treat diseases and health conditions. When it comes to treatments, clinical studies help us to understand what works and what doesn’t, whether that’s new drugs, treatments, or therapies.

Medical researchers value clinical trials for their ability to help them assess new treatments to establish whether they work, how well they work, and whether they are better than current options. A primary goal of clinical trials is to test the safety and effectiveness of a new treatment. Without this, it is uncertain whether treatments are safe for use by the wider public.

Clinical studies can be complex and take a long time to complete, which is why they are split into different phases. Each phase of a clinical trial is an important step in the research, helping researchers to understand various aspects of the treatment so that it can be progressed onto the next stage and eventually, approved and distributed.

Phases of clinical trials

Clinical trial phases are a crucial part of the development of a clinical study. Each phase has a different goal and is carefully designed to ensure the new treatment being observed is thoroughly evaluated before moving on to the next stage. Of course, each study will be different and participant criteria, length of trial, and other factors may be different depending on the trial purpose and treatment. However, each phase generally follows a similar structure.

The first phase, known as phase 1, involves testing the drug or treatment on a small group of volunteers to establish its safety and proper dosage. Once medical researchers have gathered the results of this phase, the study moves on to phase 2. In this phase, the treatment is given to a larger group of participants to gather more data on its effectiveness.

Phase 3 is the final traditional stage of a clinical trial before the treatment is approved. In this phase, a larger and more diverse group of participants is often used to further establish the treatment’s efficacy and effectiveness. Following this stage, the treatment will be approved by the FDA (subject to meeting criteria) and the study can move on to phase 4.

What is a phase 3 vs phase 4 clinical trial?

While both phases 3 and 4 are classed as final stages in a clinical trial, the key difference is that phase 3 is the last stage in an active trial, while phase 4 is completed after the treatment has been approved by the FDA. Both phases involve testing the treatment for safety and efficacy, however, phase 3 participants are monitored more closely than those in phase 4.

Additionally, in phase 4, participants may not have been part of the other phases in the clinical trial. This is because phase 4 occurs after FDA approval, and so the treatment is available for public consumption. In contrast to phase 3, a phase 4 trial will also seek to explore the use of the treatment in different populations which may not have been the case throughout earlier phases of the trial.

The purpose of phase 4 clinical trials

Phase 4 clinical trials are the final stage of testing and occur after the treatment or drug has been approved by the FDA or other governing body. This phase is often referred to as ‘post-marketing surveillance’ since it happens after the treatment has been approved for wider use outside of the study.

The purpose of phase 4 in a clinical trial is to monitor the long-term effects and safety of the treatment in a larger and more diverse population. This makes it a vital stage in establishing the effectiveness and safety of the treatment over a longer period. It provides researchers with further data and intelligence that may not have been observed in earlier phases of the study. This could mean new uses are found which could provide patients with more treatment options.

In the first three phases of a trial, participants are monitored closely which could mean diet or lifestyle factors could be restricted. In phase 4, they are free to go about daily activities as they usually would, which enables researchers to see how the treatment interacts with different foods, lifestyle factors, and even other drugs.

A key purpose of phase 4 trials is to establish whether there are any side effects not seen in the earlier phases. If this occurs, researchers will submit the findings to regulatory authorities so that rare side effects can be noted.

What phase 4 clinical trials involve

In phase 4 of a clinical trial, the primary focus is to monitor the safety of the treatment over a longer period with a larger population. This involves closely monitoring participants for any adverse effects or previously unnoticed or unexpected reactions.

Researchers may do this by completing regular check-ins with the participants, remotely monitoring them via devices or video calls, completing physical examinations, or asking participants to fill in questionnaires.

Some phase 4 trials also involve comparing the safety and efficacy of the treatment with other treatments already available or in use. This is in contrast to other phases of clinical trials because, with a much larger audience who may already be using alternative treatments, it’s easier to compare.

Phase 4 of a clinical study involves a much more diverse population and takes place in real-world settings, as opposed to a clinical setting. This means researchers can gather information on how the treatment performs in everyday use, which can be hugely insightful.

Participants in phase 4 may also be monitored to establish how well they adhere to treatment regimens. This helps medical professionals to understand how the treatment is integrated into routine healthcare and whether any changes need to be made to usage or guidance.

How long does a phase 4 clinical trial last?

Like other phases of a clinical trial, the duration of phase 4 can vary depending on several factors. These include the specific treatment or drug being studied, the number of participants, and the overall aim of the trial. However, on average, phase 4 clinical trials can last anywhere from a couple of months to several years.

Phase 4 clinical trials are often longer than other phases due to researchers needing to understand how the treatment fairs over a longer period. They will need to assess its long-term effects, safety, and efficacy. Once enough data has been gathered, medical professionals can use it to inform the use of the new treatment or even in consideration of other clinical trials.

How many patients are in phase 4 trials?

The number of patients taking part in phase 4 of a clinical trial will vary between studies. Some trials may only need a few hundred participants, while others could enroll thousands. It all depends on the drug being monitored and its intended use. For example, if the treatment is for an extremely rare condition, the participant group is likely to be much smaller.

Researchers determine the number of participants needed for a phase 4 trial by considering factors such as regulatory agencies, the availability of participants, and the overall goal of gaining a comprehensive understanding of long-term safety and side effects.

The benefits of taking part in a phase 4 trial

There are many benefits of taking part in phase 4 clinical trials, both for the participants and medical researchers, but also for society in general.

Access to treatment

Phase 4 clinical trials involve using a treatment or drug that has recently been approved by regulatory agencies like the FDA. By participating in a phase 4 trial, you could gain access to treatments that may not otherwise be available or covered by insurance. This is especially beneficial if you have limited treatment options or have tried other alternatives with little or no success.

Close monitoring and expert medical care

Like any phase of a clinical trial, participants are closely monitored during phase 4. This means you could also receive expert medical care throughout the trial period, and benefit from improved care that you may not have if you weren’t part of the trial.

In some cases, this could lead to early detection or management of health issues which could improve overall health outcomes, even if they are separate from the condition you are treating with the new drug. Many researchers involved in a clinical study will be experts in the condition you have, which means you would have access to specialist medical expertise and resources.

Financial compensation

Depending on the clinical trial you are participating in, some clinical trials will compensate you for participating in phase 4 which can help to offset any costs you incur as a result of your participation. This could be anything from travel expenses to time compensation or a fixed fee for your contribution. However, it’s important to note that financial compensation should never be the primary motivator for participating in a clinical study.

Potential for better treatment guidelines

Participation in phase 4 clinical trials is beneficial for wider society, especially concerning treatment guidelines. By participating, you can contribute to the creation of evidence-based clinical practice guidelines that improve healthcare decision-making. With larger numbers of people participating, the data gathered is greater, which can help to provide recommendations for healthcare providers on the use of specific treatments in different populations or clinical scenarios.

Contribution to medical knowledge

We know how important clinical trials are for society at large, and participating in a phase 4 clinical trial is an excellent way to contribute to medical and scientific knowledge. As a participant in a study, you would help to advance medical science and enable researchers to better understand how treatments perform in real-world settings. In doing so, you help medical researchers gather valuable data that can inform medical practice and benefit future patients.

Personal satisfaction

On a personal note, participation in phase 4 clinical trials can lead to satisfaction. By contributing to medical research and potentially making a difference in the lives of others, either now or in the future, you can feel a real sense of gratification. Depending on the treatment you are receiving, your satisfaction could be amplified if the study results contribute greatly to scientific advancements and healthcare outcomes.

Is it safe to participate in a phase 4 study?

Participation in a phase 4 clinical study is generally considered safe, especially since the treatment has already been approved by regulatory bodies. However, any medical intervention could come with potential risks and benefits which you should always consider before agreeing to take part.

Before you commit, researchers will explain any risks to you in detail, so you can make an informed decision. This will include information about the treatment, your rights, your requirements, and the benefits or risks of the study. Phase 4 trials are subject to the same oversight by regulatory agencies, institutional review boards, and other independent bodies, ensuring participant safety and ethical conduct.

While phase 4 treatments have already undergone rigorous testing in earlier phases, and have been approved for public use, they are still designed to further evaluate the treatment’s safety and effectiveness within a larger, more diverse population. This means there is still a level of risk, but it could be slightly less than participation in earlier phases of a clinical study.

How to take part in a phase 4 clinical trial

To take part in a phase 4 clinical trial, you first need to find a suitable trial that is actively seeking participants. You can do this in several ways, from searching online databases to find a trial in your area to speaking with your healthcare provider or reaching out to support groups of your condition who may have insight into upcoming clinical trials.

Once you’ve found a suitable trial, you will be subject to a screening process to ensure you meet the eligibility criteria. If you are accepted, you will then undergo the treatment being studied while being closely monitored by the medical research team. To ensure both you and the medical professionals get the most from your participation, you must follow all instructions and attend all required appointments during the duration of your trial.

What happens after a phase 4 trial is complete?

As phase 4 is the final and concluding phase in a clinical study, there are several actions that can take place. These include:

  • Data analysis - researchers will analyze the data collected to assess the treatment’s safety, efficacy, and any other relevant information to understand how it performs in a real-world setting. During this analysis, researchers may uncover insights that were not seen in earlier phases of the trial.
  • Regulatory review - regulatory bodies, such as the FDA, might review the data collected from phase 4 to further evaluate the safety and effectiveness of the treatment. This helps to make informed decisions about the continued approval and labeling of the treatment.
  • Ongoing monitoring - on some occasions, further monitoring may be required if there has not been enough data collected during the phase or further information about safety and effectiveness is needed. This could include collecting data from healthcare providers, patients, and other sources to identify new safety concerns or rare side effects.
  • Publication - phase 4 results are usually published in medical journals so the scientific community all over the world can gain an understanding of the findings. This can help to inform future trials and medical research but also helps medical professionals incorporate new knowledge into clinical practice.
  • Labeling updates - depending on the data gathered in phase 4, regulatory bodies may require updates to the treatment’s labeling to reflect new information about safety, optimal use, or efficacy. These updates are beneficial for healthcare providers so they can make informed decisions when prescribing or administering the treatment.
  • Clinical practice guidelines - phase 4 results can also help to develop clinical practice guidelines depending on the type of study. These guidelines provide recommendations for healthcare professionals on the use of the treatment in specific patient populations or clinical scenarios.


Although completed after the bulk of the study has taken place and approval has been given by regulatory bodies, phase 4 clinical trials are still a highly important part of a clinical study. It could even be argued that phase 4 trials are the most important aspect of a clinical trial due to them using larger and more diverse populations. If you’re considering taking part in a clinical trial, phase 4 trials can offer many benefits both for you and the advancement of scientific research.

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