Research Paving The Way To A New Treatment For Pancreatic Cancer

Learn about the latest pancreatic cancer treatments and breakthroughs offering new hope for pancreatic cancer patients in our research-driven article.

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Reviewed by Nam Tram, PharmD

Published 12 September 2024

Developing new treatments for pancreatic cancer has become somewhat of a priority in the medical community, and conducting extensive research through clinical trials is vital for the progression of these therapeutic innovations.

Pancreatic cancer is an extremely problematic and hard-to-treat form of cancer due to the evasive and resilient nature of pancreatic cancer cells. This type of cancer results in the formation of tumors that become entangled with surrounding blood vessels and tissue, making surgical intervention extremely complicated in some cases.

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Currently, standard treatments are rather limited and unfortunately, survival rates are low. This is why clinical research is vital in the hope of saving the lives of almost half a million people who develop pancreatic cancer each year. To enable such research, clinical trial participants are vital to measure the effects of potential drugs and treatments.

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Understanding pancreatic cancer

Pancreatic cancer can be classified into two main groups, these being exocrine pancreatic cancer (including adenocarcinoma) and neuroendocrine pancreatic cancer. Both groups have multiple types of cancer that can differ in their symptoms and prognosis.

Exocrine pancreatic cancer arises from exocrine cells that make up the glands and ducts of the pancreas. These cells secrete enzymes that help break down food in the duodenum. The majority of pancreatic cancers (over 95%) fall into this category, with adenocarcinoma being the most common type. Adenocarcinoma develops in the lining of the pancreatic ducts and accounts for more than 90% of diagnoses.

Other types of exocrine pancreatic cancer include acinar cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, adenosquamous carcinoma, and colloid carcinoma.

Neuroendocrine pancreatic cancer is rare and arises from cells in the endocrine gland of the pancreas that secrete hormones into the bloodstream to regulate blood sugar. These tumors are also known as endocrine or islet cell tumors and make up less than 5% of all pancreatic cancer cases.

There are five stages of pancreatic cancer:

  • Stage Zero: There is no spread of the pancreatic cancer which is limited to the top layers of cells in the pancreatic ducts.
  • Stage One: The pancreatic cancer has grown locally and is limited to the pancreas.
  • Stage Two: The cancer has spread locally and may be up to 2 cm, up to 4 cm, or bigger. In this stage, the cancer may have spread to adjacent lymph nodes but not to distant sites outside the pancreas.
  • Stage Three: There may be a wider spread to more lymph nodes, with the cancer possibly spreading to major blood vessels. However, the cancer has not yet metastasized to distant parts of the body.
  • Stage Four: The spread of the cancer is confirmed to have reached distant organs.

Current standard treatments

The main traditional therapies generally involve surgery, chemotherapy, and radiotherapy, all of which play a pivotal role in reducing the advancement of pancreatic cancer.


Surgery is often recommended in the early stages of pancreatic cancer and can often offer a potential cure. Usually, a tumor can be completely removed through surgery if it has not begun to spread. Pancreatic cancer that is in its early stages typically has not spread into the tissues around the tumor or reached the lymph nodes, offering a higher chance of success.

The Kausch-Whipple operation, commonly referred to as the Whipple’s procedure or pancreaticoduodenectomy, is a surgical technique used to address tumors and various conditions affecting the pancreas, small intestine, and bile ducts. This operation involves the removal of the pancreas head, but can also include the removal of the initial segment of the small intestine, the gallbladder, and the bile duct.

Another common surgical procedure is a distal pancreatectomy, where the surgeon removes the body and tail of the pancreas, along with the spleen which is often closely connected to the pancreas and its blood vessels.

In cases where the tumor has grown considerably in size, a total pancreatectomy is often the preferred procedure. This involves the complete removal of the pancreas, as well as some surrounding organs such as a section of the small bowel (duodenum), part of the stomach, gallbladder, bile duct, and spleen. Which organs get removed will be determined by the exact location of the cancer.


Chemotherapy is a medicinal therapy that employs potent chemicals to eliminate rapidly multiplying cells in the body. It is primarily used to cure cancer, as cancerous cells tend to
grow and divide at a much faster rate than other cells in the body. Commonly used drugs include gemcitabine, nab-paclitaxel, Oxaliplatin, Cisplatin, Irinotecan, and FOLFIRINOX.

Chemotherapy drugs for pancreatic cancer can be administered through an IV or as a pill. The infusion can take place in a doctor's office, chemotherapy clinic or hospital. Doctors administer the chemo in cycles, with each treatment period followed by a rest period to allow for recovery from the drug's effects.

Cycles usually last 2-3 weeks, but the schedule varies depending on the drugs used. Some drugs are given only on the first day of the cycle, while others are given for several days in a row or once a week. At the end of the cycle, the chemo schedule is repeated to start the next cycle.

Chemo can be administered before surgery (neoadjuvant) and after surgery (adjuvant):

  • Neoadjuvant (before surgery): Chemotherapy may be administered prior to surgery (sometimes in conjunction with radiation) in an attempt to reduce the size of the tumor, making it easier to remove with less invasive surgery. Neoadjuvant chemotherapy is commonly used to treat locally advanced cancers that are too large to be removed during initial diagnosis.
  • Adjuvant (after surgery): Chemotherapy may be used after surgery (sometimes in conjunction with radiation) to eradicate any cancer cells that may have been left behind or have spread undetected through imaging tests. If these cells are allowed to grow, they could potentially form new tumors in other parts of the body. This form of treatment can decrease the likelihood of cancer recurrence in the future.

Adjuvant and neoadjuvant chemo is typically given for 3-6 months, depending on the drugs used. The duration of treatment for advanced pancreatic cancer depends on its effectiveness and any side effects experienced.

Radiation therapy

Radiotherapy uses high-energy X-rays (or particles) to eradicate cancerous cells and can be advantageous in treating specific forms of pancreatic cancer. There are two main forms of radiation therapy that are typically used to treat pancreatic cancer.

  • Internal radiation therapy (brachytherapy) - A treatment in which radioactive material is placed inside or around the cancer. It is rarely used for pancreatic cancer.
  • External beam radiation therapy (EBRT) - A conventional cancer treatment and the most prevalent form of radiation therapy. It employs a machine to transmit energy beams that eradicate tumors, without ever coming into contact with your body.

Limitations to current treatments

Although these conventional therapies provide some hope for those affected, they also have drawbacks such as inconsistent effectiveness, significant adverse reactions, and accessibility issues. Therefore, there is a continuous need to search for more advanced and creative treatment options.

Potential side effects

Potential side effects, both short-term and long-term, are a significant drawback of current pancreatic cancer treatments.

Short-term effects may include: skin abnormalities, nausea, fatigue, and digestive problems, while patients may also experience long-term issues such as nutrient malabsorption and diabetes due to the removal of parts or the entirety of the pancreas.

Varied efficacy

Unfortunately, there is always a significant likelihood of pancreatic cancer recurring, even if the previously affected area is free of cancer cells. As many as 75% of patients who undergo surgery for pancreatic cancer will experience a recurrence of the disease.

For the highest chance of success early detection is key, as is the overall health of the patient, with young and healthy people showing the best response to treatments.
However, early-stage pancreatic cancer does not usually cause symptoms, and therefore, many patients are diagnosed at an advanced stage when treatments are less effective.

Limited accessibility concerns

The cost of cancer treatments in the US can impact how accessible it is, with many pancreatic cancer patients struggling to cope with the cost of surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation therapy. The cost of cancer drugs can reach $100,000 a month in some cases.

Another accessibility issue is that advanced treatments or specialized surgical procedures may only be available in certain medical centers or specific states. Furthermore, there may be waiting times for specialized treatment, potentially resulting in further spread of the cancer.

Latest treatment options for pancreatic cancer

A great deal of research is centered on discovering improved treatments for pancreatic cancer. The primary objectives are to enhance surgery and radiation therapy, as well as identify the most effective combination of treatments for individuals at specific stages of the disease.

The aim of these interventions is to prolong survival rates, alleviate symptoms, and improve the quality of life for patients dealing with this diagnosis. With progress in molecular biology and pharmacology, the therapeutic field has seen the emergence of innovative techniques
such as targeted therapies and immunotherapies, which concentrate on the distinct genetic composition of the tumor.

Latest developments in surgery

Laparoscopic and robotic-assisted surgeries are at the forefront of medical advancements, providing surgeons with improved visualization and dexterity during operations. This results in reduced invasiveness and shorter postoperative recovery times for patients.

The Whipple procedure, which is commonly used to remove pancreatic cancer, is a complex operation that can be challenging for both the surgeon and the patient. This is why many medical institutions prefer a laparoscopic approach, where small incisions are made in the belly and surgical tools and a video camera are inserted to perform the operation.

The laparoscopic approach offers faster recovery times, but it is still a difficult operation. Surgeons are investigating how it compares to the standard operation and which patients would benefit most from it - reiterating the importance of clinical trials.

Innovative surgical techniques like irreversible electroporation (IRE) are also gaining attention as they use electrical pulses to induce cell death while sparing critical vascular and ductal structures. These surgical advancements are supported by improved preoperative assessment and planning, allowing for personalized surgical approaches.

Advancements in radiation therapy

Several studies are exploring different methods of administering radiation to treat pancreatic cancer. These include intraoperative radiation therapy, which involves delivering a single high dose of radiation to the cancerous area during surgery.

A significant advancement in this field is Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy (SBRT), which enables the precise delivery of highly concentrated doses of radiation to the tumor while minimizing exposure to surrounding healthy tissues. This technology has been instrumental in reducing treatment duration and lessening the overall burden on patients.

Proton beam therapy is another innovative approach that employs protons to destroy cancer cells, optimizing the delivery of the radiation dose to the tumor while reducing the damage to nearby healthy tissues.
The development and refinement of these advanced radiation techniques are closely linked with rigorous oncology clinical trials and research aimed at improving treatment outcomes and limiting any side effects.

New methods in chemotherapy

The progressive development in cancer drug treatment has opened up new avenues for innovative chemotherapy methods, expanding the range of therapies available for pancreatic cancer.

  • Nanotechnology: This groundbreaking advancement allows for the creation of nanoparticles that deliver chemotherapy drugs directly to cancer cells, reducing the impact on healthy cells and increasing drug effectiveness. This targeted drug delivery approach enables a higher concentration of the drug to be in contact with tumor cells.
  • Combining chemotherapy drugs: Numerous trials are underway to test new combinations of chemotherapy drugs for pancreatic cancer. Researchers are investigating whether combining gemcitabine with other anticancer drugs like cisplatin can extend people's lives.
  • Personalized chemotherapy treatments: These treatments are based on the molecular and genetic profiling of individual tumors, representing a transformative shift towards more tailored and effective treatments. These advancements are the result of rigorous clinical research and trials aimed at overcoming the inherent challenges posed by pancreatic cancer's resilience and complexity.

Targeted therapies

Targeted treatments are more accurate and efficient methods of treatment. These treatments, unlike traditional therapies, focus on specific molecules and cellular mechanisms that provide cancerous cells with a growth advantage, minimizing harm to healthy cells and maximizing therapeutic effects.

The precise approach of targeted therapies presents hopeful opportunities in the management of pancreatic cancer by modifying the complex cellular pathways that contribute to cancer progression, creating a path for improved treatment effectiveness and better patient results.

Growth factor inhibitors

Numerous forms of cancer cells, including those found in the pancreas, possess specific proteins on their exterior that aid in their development. These proteins are referred to as growth factor receptors, with one example being the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR). Various drugs that target EGFR are currently under investigation, with erlotinib (Tarceva) already authorized for use alongside gemcitabine.
Growth factor inhibitors are a type of targeted therapy that focuses on disrupting the growth signals that cancer cells depend on for proliferation. These inhibitors obstruct the actions of growth factors or their receptors on the cell surface, hindering the sequence of cellular events that lead to tumor growth and survival. By targeting molecules such as EGFR, growth factor inhibitors aim to slow down the progression of pancreatic cancer, providing a targeted approach that has the potential to improve the disease's prognosis.The development of these inhibitors is driven by extensive research and clinical trials, with the goal of discovering more potent and selective agents in the fight against this type of cancer.

Anti-angiogenesis factors

In order to prevent any increase in the size of the tumor, scientists have created drugs that prevent the growth of blood vessels, known as anti-angiogenesis drugs. These drugs are a type of targeted therapy that focuses on the tumor's blood supply, which is essential for its survival. By inhibiting the growth of new blood vessels, the tumor is starved of nutrients and oxygen, meaning it can potentially shrink it. Some anti-angiogenesis agents work by disrupting the vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) pathway.

The development of these drugs highlights the importance of cutting off the tumor's sustenance and offers a new approach to reducing pancreatic cancer's aggressive nature, providing hope for improved and sustained therapeutic responses.

Immune therapy

Immune therapies help to boost an individual's immune system or provide them with the right components to help the immune system more efficiently combat cancer cells. The fundamental principle of immune therapy is to offer a tailored treatment approach that concentrates on strengthening the body's natural defense mechanisms, targeting the unique features of cancer cells, with the goal of enhancing survival rates and quality of life for patients.

Monoclonal antibodies

One type of immunotherapy involves administering injections of artificially created monoclonal antibodies into the bloodstream. These molecules are carefully designed to attach to specific antigens present on cancer cells, with the aim of inducing cancer cell death, blocking cell growth signals, or marking cells for destruction by other parts of the immune system. These immune system proteins are engineered to target a particular molecule, such as carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA), which can be found on the surface of pancreatic cancer cells. Toxins or radioactive atoms can be linked to these antibodies, which then deliver them directly to the tumor cells.

The hope is that the treatment will eliminate cancer cells while sparing normal cells. Monoclonal antibodies offer a more targeted approach and fewer side effects in the fight against pancreatic cancer and are becoming increasingly important in this battle. Currently, these treatments are only available in clinical trials for pancreatic cancer.

Cancer vaccines

There are several types of vaccines that enhance the body’s immune response to pancreatic cancer cells that are being tested in clinical trials.

In contrast to vaccines for illnesses such as measles or mumps, these vaccines are formulated to aid in the treatment, rather than prevention, of pancreatic cancer. These vaccines function by introducing one or more antigens into the body, which prompts the immune system to identify and eliminate cancer cells that possess these antigens.

One potential benefit of this type of therapy is that it typically has minimal adverse effects. In relation to pancreatic cancer, therapeutic vaccines are currently being extensively researched and tested in clinical trials for cancer with the goal of stimulating immune responses that can impede or stop the progression of the disease. These vaccines are only accessible through clinical trials for the time being.

Drugs that target immune system checkpoints

The immune system has a mechanism in place to prevent it from attacking healthy cells in the body. This is achieved through the use of "checkpoints", which are proteins found on immune cells that require activation or deactivation to initiate an immune response.

Immune checkpoints play a vital role in regulating immune responses, ensuring that the immune system's activity is balanced.

Cancer cells can exploit these checkpoints to evade attacks from the immune system. Recent drugs that target these checkpoints have shown promising potential in treating certain types of cancer, including pancreatic cancer.

Drugs such as PD-1, PD-L1, and CTLA-4 inhibitors work by releasing the "brakes" on the immune system and enhancing its response against cancer cells. By blocking these inhibitory pathways, checkpoint inhibitors can restore the immune system's ability to identify and fight pancreatic cancer cells, revolutionizing our understanding and approach to cancer therapy.

Individualization of therapy

In the multifaceted struggle against pancreatic cancer, the customization of treatment is seen as a groundbreaking approach, moving away from a one-size-fits-all model to a more personalized paradigm. This bespoke approach is based on a thorough understanding of the genetic and molecular makeup of each patient's tumor, enabling doctors to identify specific abnormalities and weaknesses that can be targeted with specialized therapies.

The integration of genomic, proteomic, and metabolomic data helps to create personalized treatment plans that maximize effectiveness while minimizing side effects. By using treatments that are tailored to the unique biological characteristics of each patient's cancer, individualized therapy has great potential for improving clinical outcomes and raising the standard of care for pancreatic cancer patients. This concept is currently an area of intense research.

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The role of genetics and early detection in developing new treatments

Scientists are gaining more knowledge about certain gene alterations in pancreas cells that lead to the development of cancer. This information is being used by researchers to create tests that can detect gene alterations acquired during pancreatic precancerous conditions, rather than those that are inherited.

The integration of genetics into pancreatic cancer research and treatment is a significant step forward in the field of oncology. Genetic insights not only reveal the mutations and abnormalities that cause the disease but also provide valuable information for early detection and targeted treatment.

By decoding the genetic makeup of pancreatic cancer, scientists can develop treatments that are tailored to each individual tumor, maximizing effectiveness and minimizing resistance. Early detection techniques, such as innovative imaging methods and biomarker discovery, are also crucial in diagnosing pancreatic cancer at a stage where it can be treated more effectively.

By identifying specific genetic markers or mutations, researchers can create highly specific diagnostic tools that enable early detection when the disease is most treatable.

Understanding the genetic structure of a tumor allows for the development of new treatments that target these specific genetic anomalies. Precision medicine approaches based on a patient's unique genetic makeup have the potential to significantly improve response rates and outcomes.

However, it is important to note that these tests are not recommended for widespread use among people who do not have any symptoms and are at an average risk of developing pancreatic cancer.

The role of clinical trials in pancreatic cancer treatment development

Clinical trials are crucial for developing pancreatic cancer treatment, serving as a vital link between scientific research and practical medical applications. These trials are carefully designed and evaluated to determine the safety, effectiveness, and best use of new interventions, including drugs, therapies, and diagnostic tools.

They help identify innovative treatments that can lead to better outcomes, fewer side effects, or even a cure. Clinical trials also provide a pathway for exploring new therapeutic approaches like targeted therapies, immunotherapies, and advanced chemotherapy agents.

Patients who participate in these trials have access to cutting-edge treatments before they become widely available, often providing options when standard therapies have failed.

The importance of continued research and clinical trial participation

Ongoing research and taking part in clinical trials are two key elements in the fight against pancreatic cancer and the creation of more successful treatments.
Continual exploration and investigation are essential in discovering this aggressive disease's underlying mechanisms and complexities, resulting in the development of innovative therapies and treatments.

Participating in clinical trials is equally important, as it enables the thorough assessment and improvement of emerging treatments, ensuring they are both safe and effective before becoming part of standard care.

It is through the combination of collective research efforts, and the willingness of patients and healthcare providers to participate in clinical trials, that breakthroughs are achieved, speeding up medical science progress and providing hope to those affected by pancreatic cancer.

Ongoing clinical trials for pancreatic cancer

The ever-changing field of clinical research is awash with ongoing clinical trials, focused on deciphering and overcoming pancreatic cancer. These trials, spanning different stages of progress, cover a wide range of treatment methods, including new drug compounds and combination therapies, as well as inventive surgical techniques and radiation protocols.

The future of pancreatic cancer treatment

The future of treating pancreatic cancer is being driven by a relentless pursuit of medical innovations and a deeper understanding of the disease's complex biology.

A key focus of future strategies is the combination of precision medicine and individualized therapy, with the aim of tailoring treatments based on the unique genetic and molecular makeup of each tumor. This will optimize effectiveness and minimize adverse effects.

Advancements in technology, including artificial intelligence and machine learning, are set to bring about revolutionary changes in predicting, diagnosing, and treating pancreatic cancer. This will enable more accurate prognoses and real-time monitoring of treatment responses.

Minimally invasive surgical techniques, robotics, and targeted radiation therapies will continue to play an expanding role in reducing patient morbidity and improving recovery times.

There is also expected to be an emphasis on holistic care, integrating supportive therapies, nutrition, and psychosocial care to ensure patients not only live longer but also have a better quality of life.


The landscape of pancreatic cancer treatment is undergoing a significant transformation, thanks to the relentless efforts of clinical research. The tireless pursuit of knowledge and understanding by researchers worldwide is gradually unveiling new possibilities for the treatment of this devastating disease.

Clinical trials are the cornerstone of this progress, providing the necessary platform for testing innovative therapies and strategies. They are the channel through which scientific discoveries transition from laboratories to bedside care, offering hope to patients who have exhausted conventional treatment options.

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